About Me

About Pandit Anirudh
Pandit Anirudh Guruji is one of the famous Pandit for kalsarp puja at Trimbakeshwar. Panditji is versatile with all types of vidhis and pujas that are performed at Trimbakeshwar and has been performing them since many years with proper technique.
People from all parts of India and also all around the world have been coming to their place to perform all sorts of vidhis.
Pandit Anirudh Guruji is the famous pandit who living in Trimbakeshwar and have dedicated experience of more than 10 years. Pandit Anirudh Guruji is an expert in all Pujas and Vidhis of Hindu religion like Kalsarp Yog Puja, Tripindhi Shradha, Pitru Dosh Puja, Vastu Shanti, Navgrah Shanti, Rudra Abhishek etc. which are very effective for getting rid of your problems and for creating a bright and successful future.People from all parts of India have been coming at Trimbakeshwar for performing all sorts of vidhis.
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